About the Congress

Course venue

The FIL Congress Centre


Organising Secretariat


OIC srl – Organizzazione Internazionale Congressi
Viale Della Giovine Italia, 17 
50122 Florence, Italy
Tel. +39 055 50351
Fax +39 055 5001912

OIC Srl is a MedTech Trusted Partner 

Registration Desk

The Organising Secretariat Desk will be open for registration and information according to the following time schedule:
Friday 03 October 08:00 – 17.00
Saturday 04 October 08.30 – 16.30
Please collect the conference kit at the Secretariat Desk and wear your name badge during the scientific sessions and social activiti05


Each participant will receive a name badge upon check-in at the registration desk. Participants are kindly requested to wear the name badge when entering the course venue and to access any offered services. Access to the meeting rooms is not possible without a personal badge.

Catering on site

Coffee breaks and a light lunch on  October 03 and October 04 are included in the registration fee.

Certificate of Attendance

Regularly registered participants will receive a certificate of attendance at the end of the event by e-mail. 


The organisers are not responsible for individual medical, travel or personal insurance. Participants and guests should arrange their own coverage.


The official language of 18th EGS European Glaucoma Residents’ Course is English. All participants are encouraged to join discussions, independently of their fluency in English, as the exchange of ideas and critical evaluation of presentations is the main purpose of the Course.

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