
Info & Fees

Available seats are limited and will be allocated on a first come -first served basis. 


  • Registrations from attendees of the previous editions will not be accepted.
  • Registrations are limited to residents in ophthalmology, in training at the time of the registration; this must be certified by an official letter from the training programme supervisor.

FEES (VAT Included): € 450,00

Registration Fee includes:

  • Attendance to all Course sessions
  • Final programme
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Course documentation
  • Name badge
  • Coffee breaks
  • Snack lunch on 4 and 5 October


Coming soon

If you need help with the hotel reservation please contact

If you need help with the hotel reservation please contact

Hotel & Accommodation

Hotel accommodation is available in the centre of Lisbon and near the course venue. 
Information about rates can be obtained by contacting:  

Please note that this is the official 17th EGS Europen Galucome Residents’ Course website for the registrations / housing and that no other websites, companies or agencies are authorised to sell the registrationsn any way or to contact you directly.

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