Social Programme

Coming soon

Restaurant Cervejaria Portugalia Belem

The Portugalia Cervejaria is a well-known Portuguese beerhouse that offers a wide range of delicious and top quality traditional food in a welcoming atmosphere. 

Located in the riverside district of Belém, home to some of the city’s finest attractions such as the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos and the Torre de Belem, the Portugalia Cervejaria overlooks the Tagus River and the beautiful Padrão dos Descobrimentos.

After a long day of scientific sessions, you will take a break in this unique contest, enjoying a series of fantastic dishes which are certain to suit all tastes.

The Social Dinner is included in the registration fee and open to all registered participants.
Final confirmation for the Social Dinner will be possible until 10.30 am on 29 September 2023 at the Secretariat Desk in the Course venue.

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